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What's the buzz on LUX?
    December 2004
  1. Fierce, Inc. modify their e-commerce system to announce a new workshop in 2005.
  2. November 2004
  3. Steve speaks at the Intracomm 2004 in Montreal.
  4. LUX produces the webcast of the Sweet Adelines Chorus competitions from Indianapolis
  5. October 2004
  6. LUX produces an online product walk-thru for Pure Networks. Visit their site and exciting new product.
  7. Steve runs a workshop and moderates a panel at Streaming Media West
Streaming Media East 2005 May 17th - 18th
New York, NY
Steve Mack will be presenting a full-day streaming media production workshop at the Streaming Media East 2005 conference.
(c) 2003 LUX Media, Inc.